Social security administration system
System Manager
Registration Management
Social Security Number Management and Tracking
ID Card Management
Employer Management
Contributions Filing and Payments Management
Receivables Management
Cash Register Management and Receipt Processing
Penalties Management
- Penalty Calculation Rules
- Recurring & One-Time Penalties
- Penalty Notice Approval, Rejection & Cancellation Workflow
- Advanced Penalty Policy Definition
- Automatic or Manual Penalty Invoking
- Monetary & Non-Monetary Penalties
Benefit Claims and Payments Management
Payables Management
- Advanced Internal Controls
- Additional Audit Trail
- Workflow-Driven Payment Process
- Approve, Reject or Cancel Payable Vouchers
- Avoid Duplicate Payments
- Pay Employers and Beneficiaries
Social Security Statement Management
- Comprehensive Confdigurable Social Security Statement
- Covers Demographics, Contributions History and Benefit Entitlement Projections
- Fully Configurable Statement Explanatory Text and Calculations
- Block 1: Demographics and Explanations
- Block 2: Estimated Benefits and Explanations
- Block 3: Estimated Retirement Benefits
- Block 4: Earnings Record
Compliance Management
Delinquency Management
KYC Management
Medical Record Management
Documents Tracking and Management
GL Interface
Employer Electronic Record
Employee Electronic Record
Beneficiary Electronic Record

Human resources management system