
Labor Costing and Billing Management

Labor Costing and Billing is an advanced Costing module which allows you to accurately calculate the Direct Labor Cost , Labor Burden Cost and Overheads and define the Yearly Production Hours to be able to calculate an accurate Fully Loaded Cost or Labor Burden Cost per Hour of a specific Employee, thereby enabling the Company to be able to more precisely determine the correct Billing Rate required to make a specific Employee profitable to the Company.  Labor Cost Calculation methods can be setup by Employee Group, Contract Type or Job Group.  This will allow the user to accurately calculate the correct Hourly Labor Cost of an Employee and determine the right Billing Rate for this Employee for a specific Project, or Client.  The Labor Costing and Billing module also allows you to generate directly from the system the correct Project Labor Billing Invoices and post these to your ERP/Accounting application.

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